Wednesday 31 October 2012

Khó xử lý tội danh người phát tán ảnh sex Thùy Trang

Sáng qua, báo chí và độc giả xôn xao trước những hình ảnh sex khá nhạy cảm của  Thùy Trang Top 4 Vietnam\'s Next Top Model bị phát tán trên mạng. Ngay chiều cùng ngày, Thùy Trang đã lên tiếng xin lỗi về việc thiếu cẩn trọng để những hình ảnh riêng bị rò rỉ, đồng thời cô cũng khẳng định, người làm việc đó là bạn trai cũ của cô: "Anh ta là người Hàn Quốc, hơn 40 tuổi và thời điểm đó đang làm việc ở TP.HCM.  Tên tiếng Anh của anh ta là Simon (tên tiếng Hàn là Chang Min Jung). Tôi biết Simon qua một người bạn cũng có người yêu là người Hàn Quốc. Từ tình bạn, chúng tôi đã dần trở thành người yêu. Gần một năm nay, anh ta không còn công tác ở Việt Nam nữa..." - Thùy Trang cho biết.

Trước những sự việc này, PV đã có cuộc trò chuyện trao đổi với luật sư Nguyễn Đức Chánh, CTV Thư Viện Pháp Luật – Công ty CP Lawsoft.

Thưa ông, xin ông cho biết, hành vi phát tán ảnh nhạy cảm, hay clip sex thì bịpháp luật xử phạt như thế nào?

Theo pháp luật Việt Nam cả 2 hành vi: Tự mình phát tán hoặc người khác phát tán văn hóa phẩm đồi trụy, phát tán những bộ ảnh sex, đồi trụy đều vi phạm pháp luật. Tùy vào mức độ mà bị xử phạt hành chính theo Nghị định 75/2010/NĐ-CP ngày 12/07/2010 của Chính phủ về Quy định xử phạt vi phạm hành chính trong hoạt động văn hoá hoặc xử lý hình sự theo Điều 253 Bộ luật hình sự.

Khó xử lý tội danh người phát tán ảnh sex Thùy Trang - 2

Thùy Trang được đánh giá là một người mẫu triển vọng

Cụ thể các chế tài dành cho tội Tuyên truyền văn hóa phẩm đồi trụy là thế nào, thưa ông?

Theo Điều 253. Tội truyền bá văn hoá phẩm đồi truỵ:

1. Người nào làm ra, sao chép, lưu hành, vận chuyển, mua bán, tàng trữ nhằm phổ biến sách, báo, tranh, ảnh, phim, nhạc hoặc những vật phẩm khác có tính chất đồi truỵ, cũng như có hành vi khác truyền bá văn hoá phẩm đồi truỵ thuộc một trong các trường hợp sau đây, thì bị phạt tiền từ năm triệu đồng đến năm mươi triệu đồng, cải tạo không giam giữ đến ba năm hoặc phạt tù từ sáu tháng đến ba năm:

a) Vật phạm pháp có số lượng lớn;

b) Phổ biến cho nhiều người;
c) Đã bị xử phạt hành chính về hành vi này hoặc đã bị kết án về tội này, chưa được xoá án tích mà còn vi phạm.

2. Phạm tội thuộc một trong các trường hợp sau đây, thì bị phạt tù từ ba năm đến mười năm:

a) Có tổ chức;
b) Vật phạm pháp có số lượng rất lớn;
c) Đối với người chưa thành niên;
d) Gây hậu quả nghiêm trọng;
đ) Tái phạm nguy hiểm.

3. Phạm tội thuộc một trong các trường hợp sau đây, thì bị phạt tù từ bảy năm đến mười lăm năm:

a) Vật phạm pháp có số lượng đặc biệt lớn;
b) Gây hậu quả rất nghiêm trọng hoặc đặc biệt nghiêm trọng.

4. Người phạm tội còn có thể bị phạt tiền từ ba triệu đồng đến ba mươi triệu đồng.

Khó xử lý tội danh người phát tán ảnh sex Thùy Trang - 3

Cô lọt vào top 4 Vietnam\'s Next Top Model 2011

Vậy với vụ việc của Thuỳ Trang - Top 4 Vietnam\'s Next Top Model 2011 thì người phát tán sẽ bị xử phạt như thế nào?

Với vụ việc của Thuỳ Trang - Top 4 Vietnam\'s Next Top Model 2011 thì ở đây có dấu hiệu phạm tội theo điều 253 BLHS.

Hành vi phát tán ảnh “nóng” của Thùy Trang cho dù với mục đích gì cũng đã là sự vi phạm pháp luật.

Để xử lý hành vi trên thì cần phải có kết luận của Giám định viên tư pháp về văn hóa, những bức hình này có phải là văn hóa phẩm đồi trụy hay không? Nếu kết luận có, tức là đã có hành vi truyền bá văn hóa phẩm đồi trụy.

Vấn đề là phải xác định số lượng ảnh, bao nhiêu là văn hóa phẩm đồi trụy? Bao nhiêu là ảnh bình thường? Đến thời điểm hiện nay, thì vấn đề định lượng: Thế nào là vật phạm pháp có số lượng lớn, rất lớn, đặc biệt lớn, đối với tội truyền bá văn hóa phẩm đồi trụy chưa có quy định cụ thể trong văn bản quy phạm pháp luật nào. Việc xác định số lượng này chủ yếu dựa vào công văn 988 ngày 10/5/2002 của Viện kiểm sát nhân dân tối cao hướng dẫn định lượng vật phạm pháp có số lượng lớn, rất lớn, đặt biệt lớn đối với tội truyền bá văn hóa phẩm đồi trụy. Theo đó, thì đối tượng vật phạm pháp là băng ghi hình, đĩa ghi hình có số lượng từ 10 đến 100 băng đĩa thì là số lượng lớn, từ 101 đến 300 là số lượng rất lớn, từ 301 trở lên là số lượng đặc biệt lớn.

Nhưng việc căn cứ hướng dẫn trên cũng chưa chuẩn xác và đúng quy định pháp luật, vì đây chỉ là công văn nội bộ của Viện kiểm sát và nó không phải là văn bản quy phạm pháp luật.

Việc thứ 2, là xác định có phổ biến cho nhiều người xem không?. Thì rõ ràng qua nội dung bài báo, email từ địa chỉ có tên trangnguyen đã có hành vi phát tán cho nhiều người: 30 email…

Việc thứ 3, là xem xét hành vi người phát tán trước đây “Đã bị xử phạt hành chính về hành vi này hoặc đã bị kết án về tội này, chưa được xoá án tích mà còn vi phạm.” hay chưa?

Hiện nay, tình trạng tung ảnh, clip sex của các người mẫu, diễn viên… ở nước ta rất phổ biến. Vì vậy, cần biện pháp mạnh tay để xử lý hành vi này, để đảm bảo sự nghiêm minh của pháp luật cũng như việc bảo vệ quyền nhân thân về hình ảnh, đời tư của cá nhân.

Khó xử lý tội danh người phát tán ảnh sex Thùy Trang - 4

Theo Thùy Trang, người phát tán ảnh sex của cô là bạn trai cũ người Hàn Quốc

Nếu người phát tán những hình ảnh trên là người Hàn Quốc, thì các quy định của pháp luật Việt Nam đối với những hành vi phạm tội có yếu tố người nước ngoài là như thế nào, thưa ông?

Nếu người phát tán ảnh nóng của Thùy Trang là người Hàn Quốc và gửi email từ Hàn Quốc và hiện không ở Việt Nam thì có thể căn cứ theo Điều 6 BLHS để xử phạt. Hiệu lực của Bộ luật hình sự đối với những hành vi phạm tội ở ngoài lãnh thổ nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam:

1. Công dân Việt Nam phạm tội ở ngoài lãnh thổ nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam có thể bị truy cứu trách nhiệm hình sự tại Việt Nam theo Bộ luật này.

Quy định này cũng được áp dụng đối với người không quốc tịch thường trú ở nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam.

2. Người nước ngoài phạm tội ở ngoài lãnh thổ nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam có thể bị truy cứu trách nhiệm hình sự theo Bộ luật hình sự Việt Nam trong những trường hợp được quy định trong các điều ước quốc tế mà nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam ký kết hoặc tham gia.

Như vậy, trong trường hợp này khó mà xử lý hình sự với người đàn ông này. Nó cũng giống như các trang websex của sever ở nước ngoài và xem xét hành vi của người này có vi phạm pháp luật nước ngoài hay không.

Xin cảm ơn ông!

Wednesday 10 October 2012

An increasing demand for entertainment news - News - Current Affairs

If researchers believe that there has been an increase in the Indian entertainment industry than ever before, then they are right. If a person wants to know about all the happenings taking place in the entertainment industry, then various websites can be visited. There are various web portals that are bombarded with entertainment news, celebrity news stories, news about entertainment in India, funny news, celebrity news and various others. Some websites also provide company news and finance news. In fact, the definition of entertainment news is information that concerns the current happenings and current events. This is especially reported by radio, periodicals, newspapers, television and newspapers.

The main reason behind the entertainment industry being so popular is that the people of the country really love to know about the people and work that is involved in the industry. Like people of much other country, even the Indian people are relying on television and films for attaining entertainment to a very great extent. Majority of the people are taking a great interest in listening and reading the about information in the entertainment industry. Therefore, there has been a great demand for entertainment industry in India. One must keep in mind the growing demand of this entertainment industry. There is a separate segment for entertainment in all the news channels, web portals and leading newspapers. In these segments, all the happenings and latest news are covered. This news is mainly from the entertainment industry.

There are many web portals that are major ones. They provide Finance News and company news as well. However, the users are not forced for getting themselves registered in these portals. If users want to get registered, they can do so as per the procedure. Sometimes the procedure of registration involves lots of hassles. Sometimes, only a few minutes are consumed and the process is generally very hassling free. There are many news portals that are providing top entertainment stories all across the globe. People who are looking for some celebrity news, entertainment news and online entertainment news can browse various leading web portals. They work with the aim of satisfaction of customers. Divorce stigmas and marriage proposals are also covered under the segment of entertainment. This is a very hot topic for discussion in the online portals. Thus, if a wide search is made through the internet, people are assisted to use the services that are provided by various web portals.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

3 news years resolutions...for your hair + a bonus summer style - Health - Wellness

Can you believe it's that time of the year again? You know, where we promise to either lose those few extra kgs, go to the gym regularly or give up any number of vices we have. Instead of trying to achieve the impossible, rather stick to these simple rules to take care of your lovely locks.

1. Have a regular trim, as in every six weeks. It won't help your hair grow faster but it will keep split ends at bay. "If you wait longer between trims, you'll get bigger split ends and wind up having to cut off more in the long run," says salon owner Laurent D, who's worked with Gwyneth Paltrow and Denise Richards.2. Invest in a mask - especially in summer if you've spent time on the beach or in the pool. Choose a mask according to your hair type and treat your locks to a weekly conditioning mask. If you're pressed for time, opt for a leave-in treatment like Krastase Resistance Ciment Thermique Leave-In, which is great for hair that's been chemically treated or for rubies who can't get enough of their blowdryers and straighteners. Colour looking a bit dull? Try L'Oral Professionnel Vitamino Colour Masque, apply to damp, clean hair once a week, leave on for one minute and rinse to reveal a more vibrant hue.3. Protect your hair from heat - as your locks don't have any nerve endings, they can't send a distress signal when things get too hot (unlike when you burn your finger). Fine, coloured, dry and porous hair is more sensitive to heat damage than thick and healthy hair, but over time heat can take its toll. Whether you and your straightener are joined at the hip or if you only blowdry your hair in winter, every time you use a heated styling aid, use a heat protector spray like ghd Style Heat Protect Spray.Do you have any personal new year's hair resolutions? We'd love to hear them!

Now fussing over what to wear and what do with your hair? We can't peer into your wardrobe but we can help you out with a stylish 'do.While the sun's up, teased-out braids and slept-in plaits are ideal for keeping your hair off your face without looking like you've made too much effort. Plus, Diane Kruger is a fan - which instantly means we are too! She was spotted at a charity auction in New York with a mussed-up side plait, an accessory in itself.Get this laid back look by pulling your hair over one shoulder and braiding it loosely. Tighten up as you reach the end of the plait. Don't worry if pieces fall out, the looser, the better. Need the style to stay in all day? Blast with a long-hold hairspray. We love ghd Style Final Fix Hairspray.For hot summer nights, slick it all back with a tight braid. Start by combing a dollop of gel through your roots - this will make your hair easier to work with. Brush into a high ponytail and secure with a bright band. Then braid the length and use another band or accessory to keep it in place.TIP: Plaiting can be fiddly, so it's helpful to have someone to lend a hand. More than a hairstyle, the plait can be a bonding experience too, so get creative.

For daily beauty updates, check out our online magazine /magazine-beauty-news/

Flourishing New Home Market is Good News for Perth Plumbers - Other

With the mining economy continuing to grow in Western Australia, the housing industry is flourishing. Planned communities are spreading out along the coast and into the hills. Skilled trades people are busy and loving it. This is all coming off the back, and hopefully from, the mining boom that Western Australia is experiencing.

Planning AheadPlanned communities outsource many of their jobs to smaller contractors like plumbers and gas technicians. Having access to a highly skilled plumber makes the entire job much easier. Handing over the blueprints to the plumber and getting back a carefully crafted plumbing and gas schematic keeps everyone on track. Perth plumbing fees can vary, so choosing a local and trustworthy plumber will help keep the costs down.

AdaptingAs with any building project, there are changes to be made during the building process. From the largest aspects of landscape drainage to the intricacies of hooking up water filters and water pumps, the right plumbing technician are able to make these changes seamlessly without slowing the construction schedule.

Up to DateNew homes are always trying to include the latest technologies in their designs. Stricter regulations are being placed on new home construction in Western Australia. Good local plumbing and gas companies keep their staff well educated and up to date on all the regulations. For this reason, housing developers employ Perth plumbers that have the highest qualifications, and reputable track record. With all the top quality plumbers in the Perth area, it is not hard to locate just the right company.

Adding the Right TouchesModern homes offer luxuries like swimming pools, outdoor grills and entertainment areas. All of these additions to the house require plumbing and gas. A smart contractor will design and install everything needed for hot tubs and pools, outdoor sinks and water sources. They are also able coordinate all gas points for outdoor kitchens. Western Australians live much of their lives outside, and new homes are offering the chance at an indoor/outdoor kind of lifestyle.

Growth SpurtGrowth of a community is always a sign of a flourishing economy. Perth has continued to grow for a long time, and shows no sign of slowing. With this growth comes new housing development. Economic growth trickles down through the community, and tradesmen like Perth plumbers and gas technicians are reaping the rewards. If things continue in the same direction for Perth and Western Australia, then Perth plumbing and gas workers will have plenty of work to come.

Truyen Sex

Monday 8 October 2012

Use the Internet to Get Weather News Today - News - Current Affairs

Weather is never constant it is the temporary status of the atmosphere; it keeps on changing with the days and months and it varies with the time and place. Different kind of climate can be seen in different part of the world. So it's very important to be aware about the present weather and also about the future one of the local areas. Weather news today is very important because it help in preparing and adjusting ourselves with the present environment. In making plans such as for vacation or a tour to any place, it's very important to be aware about the present and future condition of the weather.

The scientific technology had made many achievements and advancements which is being in lot of help as the weather observations, forecasts and climatological information are being predicated before by meteorological and hydrological departments. Weather forecasts today depend on collecting and analyzing data and measurements from around the world. As a variety of atmospheric conditions need to be recorded, a wide range of equipment is needed to obtain that information. Some meteorological equipment like anemometer, barometer, hygrometer, rain gauge, sundial, thermometer, wind sock, weather vane etc. So if there's a cyclone in the ocean then it can be predicated before it reaches the surface ground of the land and the people living nearby can be warn about it and it would help in saving many life and property. So the news on such topic says that could rain or temperature will increase or decrease then people would get prepare according to the condition and situation of the weather.

Basically the weather of the any place depends upon the change in climatic condition and the change in the seasons. The whole world suffers four type of weather - coastal one in the oceanic regions, hot one in the equatorial climate zones, cold one in the polar climate zones and mountain in the hilly and mountainous regions of the world.

The weather news today can be easily get through various sources like firstly the news paper who write a separate article for news where temperature and pressure of some important places .Then second we have news channels which shows all the recent report on the weather forecasting . Any huge change on this condition is given immediately. Another is the online weather forecasting news which gives the news of todays' climate. The news on such topics keeps on updating time to time.

Lake Tapps Real Estate Market Is Still Hot - Real Estate

The Lake Tapps Real Estate market is an incredibly pleasant place to consider if your hunting for a waterfront residence or merely would like to be near the lake with fast and uncomplicated access to it from a number of places in the location.

Lake Tapps Real Estate has a bunch of residences and lots of styles to choose from, even some building parcels where you may build your personal own custom dream home as we've now carried out twice in the last 10 years. We began by having a nice 4000 square foot house then wound up constructing a significant 11,000 square foot monster of a house throughout the huge run up in the real estate markets in the United States.

So we now occupy a high over priced manor that we'll be fortunate to obtain 3/4 quarters what we owe on it. But that is exceptional news for present home purchasers looking at Lake Tapps Real Estate.

That indicates you can have some fantastic bargains on some brand brand-new homes on the lake or off as well as also more desirable deals on older existing homes that may be simply a couple of years old.

The Lake Tapps Real Estate market took it rather hard since everybody wanted to have on the lake and they were falling over themselves out bidding each other on the last couple of remaining lake front parcels at the time. Well at least thats exactly what they thought, since there are still lots accessible on the lake for sale and the costs are more desirable than they were in the last few years.

At one point the building lots were all over half a million bucks, we paid over 550,000 thousand for ours as well as the neighbor paid over 600k for his on total speculation. That house was at one point selling for 1.8 million dollars! Could you believe it?.

It later on offered for 700k and now thats is also to high as the new owners are just a little under water on that purchase, so you see now is a fantastic time to get on the lake and it is still incredibly sought after as everybody still wants to or would desire to live on Lake Tapps. The summers are sensational here as well as its like a holiday all summer long.

You will definitely never run out of friends that desire to come over and delight in the beautiful clear water that stems from high up in the hills.

Lake Tapps Real Estate is and constantly will be in need as its among the only a few close in lakes to all the major cities such as Seattle, Tacoma as well as others. And it sits atop the Bonny Lake Plateau with tons of parks and other nice neighborhoods to select from.

So look into this youtube video to watch what this one real property broker is offering to purchasers and sellers in the Lake Tapps Real Estate Market

Lake Tapps Real Estate

Lake Tapps Real Estate

Sunday 7 October 2012

Lake Tapps Real Estate Market Is Still Hot - Real Estate

The Lake Tapps Real Estate market is a very nice spot to consider if your hunting for a waterfront residence or just wish to be near the lake with quick and simple accessibility to it from an amount of locations in the location.

Lake Tapps Real Estate has a lot of residences and lots of types to choose from, even some building lots where you can create your personal own custom dream residence as we have actually now carried out two times in the last ten years. We began by having a pleasant 4000 square foot home then wound up creating a massive 11,000 square foot monster of a house during the big run up in the real estate markets in the United States.

So we now inhabit a high over valued mansion that we'll be lucky to get 3/4 quarters what we owe on it. However that is great news for present residence purchasers looking at Lake Tapps Real Estate.

That means you can easily obtain some great offers on some brand new houses on the lake or off and even more desirable offers on older existing residences that may be just a few years old.

The Lake Tapps Real Estate market took it pretty hard since everyone desired to have on the lake and they were falling over themselves out bidding each other on the last very few remaining lake front parcels at the time. Well at least thats what they thought, since there are still lots available on the lake for sale as well as the costs are better than they had been in the last few years.

At one point the lots were all over half a million bucks, we paid over 550,000 thousand for ours and our neighbor paid over 600k for his on pure speculation. That residence was at one point selling for 1.8 million dollars! Can you think it?.

It later on sold for 700k and now thats is also to high as the new owners are slightly under water on that purchase, so you see now is an exceptional time to buy on the lake and it is still very sought after as every person still wishes to or would desire to live on Lake Tapps. The summers are fantastic here and its like a holiday all summer long.

You will never ever run out of pals that wish to come over and savor the pristine clean water that hails from high up in the hills.

Lake Tapps Real Estate is and continually will be in demand as its among the only a few close in lakes to all the major cities such as Seattle, Tacoma as well as others. And it sits atop the Bonny Lake Plateau with lots of parks and additional good neighborhoods to select from.

So check out this youtube video clip to see what this one property agent is supplying to buyers as well as sellers in the Lake Tapps Real Estate Market

Lake Tapps Real Estate

Lake Tapps Real Estate

Celebrity Gossip: The Price of Fame - Entertainment - Television

Fame can be costly at times. The wide range of celebrity gossip sites provide proof of the fact that people like talking and knowing about celebrities. The vast popularity of the celeb gossip portals see a lot of traffic each day, asserting it that people love to read about them and be updates. Entertainment news sites are coming up every other day to keep you posted on what is happening in tinsel town. But this life is something that gets under the skin of the celebrities. They complain that their every little act or the lack of it is reported in the columns.Celebrities have a major complaint against the celebrity gossip portals. The complaint is simple: they need to be left alone when they want their private moments to remain so. Celeb gossip sites are in no mood to relent because trespassing into the private lives of the celebrities is their bread and butter. They are only feeding an insatiable demand of the readers of the entertainment news columns. Nothing makes these portals tick than inside scoops about what is happening behind the scenes. The paparazzi would give an arm and a leg for a shot of a celebrity hanging around with an extra-marital partner.The debate boils down to the basics: are celebrity gossip sites the price that celebrities pay. There are some celebrities who like to take the celeb gossip sites in their stride. They shrug them off with the comment that they worked hard to get noticed, so they don't have any problem with the paparazzi taking pictures of them at random. Many of these celebrities are accustomed to their private moments being splashed all over the newsprint and the internet. They have grown used to the fact and they can live around with this lack of privacy as necessary evil.

Come to think of it, celebrity gossip sites do things the right way, when there is an opportunity. If you are an entertainment news junkie, you know that there are these times when the celeb gossip sites pay the celebrity for shots of their wedding or even of their newborns. Sometimes the celebs relent and they make tons of dough on the deals of the pictures. There are other times when the celebrity decides to keep things under wraps. That's when the reporters working on the beat decide to get adventurous. They think of ways to crack open the security ring that the celebrities throw upon themselves.A famous case is when Catherina Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas got married. Despite the millions of dollars and the police and the private security protecting them from the paparazzi, and each guest personally welcomed by the marriage planner himself with the help of an undisclosed security code, an ingenuous person still got in and took snaps! The celebrity gossip magazine that published the pictures got sued but this set an historical example that no celebrity and no event was away from the infiltration of celeb gossip reporters!

Saturday 6 October 2012

Tips to Search Out The Most Effective Wholesale Damascus Tatto Machines - Business

So that you are considering purchasing a wholesale damascus tattoo machine? Purchasing a wholesale damascus tatto machine is the best way to take a look at water with needling and seeing if you really are cut out to be a tattoo designer. Too some people watch the actuality shows and the "super star" status several tattoo specialists acquire and suppose growing to be a Tattoo designer is a license to print money however,the actuality shows and the "super star" status several tattoo specialists acquire and suppose growing to be a Tattoo designer is a license to print money however, for every single "Tattoo Star" there can be thousands out there operating a 40 or perhaps a 60 work hour per week.

The nice factor with regards to purchasing a wholesale damascus tatto machine, in case you are a newbie is that just about all you need to acquire started Ought to be included with the equipment, meaning a factor with regards to purchasing a wholesale damascus tatto machine, in case you are a newbie is that just about all you need to acquire started Ought to be included with the equipment, meaning a machine, power, tubes, suggestions, several units of needles, an honest selection of tattoo inks, sets of mitts and also ink caps.

Those will be really secure to make use of as soon as handled properly. Beforehand, tats had been utilized manually and they were not superior checking as they were not correct. In most circumstances, they applied to go through from aspect results as effectively for example ailments due to the existence of tattoo ink within the shape.

Those that are only beginning out may perhaps necessity to try to find whlesale Damascus tattoo machine kits which inturn include all you necessity to obtain started in the business enterprise, it is going to save your cash and help you figure out merely what form of appliances you wish in the future..

Live News In India - Advertising - Online Advertising

NdnewsExpress provide latest news in indiaEveryone wants to know about latest entertainment news from all around the globe. In ndtv express we provide news from the world but we majorly focus Indian news. It's very important for everyone to know whats happening in the world. Earlier it was very difficult for everyone to know about the world but internet has provided the platform for everyone on a single click of a button one can see and read whats happening in the world. On you will get the latest and timely updated news.In today's world everything's is driven by the Technology. For this you always have to be updated, you must know every single detail and for this you can only really upon internet, Internet can provide you details in various formats like stills, videos, theory etc. In our website we give all these details like stills, videos and theory that the reason we are different. The major benefit of our website is we provide everything in detail and unique.We are dedicated news provider we provide fresh and latest news. Here in our website you will get many facilities like you can subscribe our fresh news via email to remain updated. In our website there is a special category, which provides you Latest entertainment news from around the world. Like if you want to get latest update in the category of sports, here in our website we have a special category of sports too. In our website we have many unique categories like we have a special category for Bollywood and for Hollywood. We have a group of reporters who provide us latest information from there state and from there allotted fields.In our website we always try to provide latest entertainment news, latest news in India, Indian news and News Today.These days you can get news from many sources but still the major part of news directly or indirectly come from internet. But still there are very few websites who provide fresh and unique news and all other websites just copy the content.This day's online marketing is another way to stay up-to-date only some websites are providing latest entertainment news. In online marketing some companies are doing work to promote their products and some are working to distribute the news all around the world. In our case we provide latest detailed and exact news just to keep you up-to-date. This website is specially designed for all around the world but still we concentrate on Indian users that do sent mean we have all focus on Indian users. Our main motto is to provide the latest entertainment news in India and we want Indian people to be up-to-date always where ever they are living all around the globe.

Truyen Sex

Friday 5 October 2012

Try NewsBay - The Only Personal News Site for Entertainment News Online - Find All Your Celebrity News Online - News

Are they lawbreakers who are hated by the rich and famous?Freelance photographers as a group are law abiding citizens and they are only permitted by the First Amendment to snap pictures of public figures as long as they (the celebs) are in public places. And if you think from all the vitriol that photo journalists are hated by their subjects, that's not entirely true either. Most celebrities understand that fantastic photos will keep them viewed in magazines and entertainment web sites. Many actually welcome and even invite the exposure.Do the paparazzi really hang out in trees?It's easier for a photographer to trace celebrities' schedules and either beat them to their events or wait outside their favorite coffee spots or gyms. But, even if the paparazzo does not climb a tree, the job is still not an easy one due to hours and hours of waiting around on sore feet in either freezing cold or the hot sun to get just the right angle or to meet a prominent person who may never show up.Do they make a lot of money?If the subject of the news articles is involved in a big scandal or the photographer gets a great shot of a celebrity doing something really extraordinary, there might be a higher value to the pictures. Every paparazzo dreams of such a scenario. A posed shot is not the goal. The ultimate challenge for the photographer is to catch the famed in normal movements like walking down a street or drinking coffee, giving a child a piggy-back ride, or holding hands with a loved one. There is more compensation for outstanding candid camera shots than for anything posed.Are they all uneducated degenerates?It may come as a surprise but most paparazzi are actually college graduates, former photo journalists, business owners, school teachers, and even doctors. They are drawn to the field because of their fascination with human interest stories and the resulting combination of creative photography with expert reporting - tantamount to the perfect storm that results in truly artistic journalism.Next time you pick up that celebrity magazine or entertainment news publication at your dentist's office, local barber shop or hair salon - or you discover the fantastic views and viewpoints at your favorite online entertainment news stop, keep in mind that the mythological evil paparazzi had a major hand in bringing you that enjoyment. There is always more than one side to every story and a tall tale holds no interest in today's world without imaginative photography.Stars get mad at the paparazzi for taking pictures of them all the time, but why did they become stars if they didn't want the attention? There is nothing more entertaining than entertainment news...unless of course it's entertainment news online!If you have the guilty pleasure of following the lives of beautiful and hunky stars, you are not alone! Most people love watching entertainment news and wonder where we can get more of it when we want it, no matter where we are. Entertainment news online is the best way to stay connected to the day by day lives to stars. Not only will you get the good stuff, but you can get the dirty stuff and the bad stuff and the mug-shots you want to see.

Movie preview: Milenge-Milenge - Entertainment - Movies

The Shahid Kapur-Kareena Kapoor starrer Milenge Milenge is all set to release on July 9. This is their fifth movie together.

The movie is produced by Boney Kapoor and presented by Sahara One Motion Picture and SK Films.

The other star cast includes Satish Shah, Kirron Kher, Aarti Chhabria, Delnaaz Paul, Himani Shivpuri, Satish Kaushik.

Sameer has penned down the lyrics and Himmesh Reshammiya has composed the songs.

Milenge Milenge is releasing after along gap and has already gone through a gossip era. There were speculations that Shahid and Kareena after their breakup were not ready to work together to complete the movie, though the stars always defended themselves that there were genuine date problems.

Finally the producer of the movie Boney Kapoor and the director Satish Kaushik succeeded in convincing both of them to complete the final scenes for the movie.

For all the current updates on the movie you may log onto our website

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Thursday 4 October 2012

Stunning Stuhrling Original Watches to Suit any Style - Shopping - Fashion Style

What does it take to develop your own exciting personal style? Is it the right clothes, a cool haircut, or just the right attitude? The plain fact is that there are many things that go into creating a style that is distinctly yours.But no matter what shoes you wear or how you comb your hair, being your own person means following your own path. Forging your unique path in this world comes from not following the pack. So when you buy a wristwatch, you'll want to make sure you go with a company that isn't afraid to blaze their own trails.Stuhrling Original is a top-quality watch manufacturer that does not bother with what trends the competition feels the need to copy. If you are looking for a timepiece that shows off your own originality, then you can't go wrong with a Stuhrling watch. Here are a few Stuhrling Original watches that think outside the box and are sure to redefine your look.Stuhrling Original Men's Augustus Automatic Leather Strap WatchAre you seeking to craft a look that is as timeless as the architecture of the Colosseum in Ancient Rome? If so, the Augustus is the watch for you. It blends classic design techniques with brilliant modern clockwork.The Roman architects of yore had such brilliant design techniques that their work spread all across Europe. Of course, the Roman army had a hand in that as well. But today, designers draw inspiration from the simplicity of their designs, not the might of their swords.The Augustus has a round swirling case that comes in silver-tone or rose-tone. The rose-tone option has a brown leather strap, while the silver-tone version's strap is blue.Around the pure white dial, the hours are marked by, of course, Roman numerals. It even has a convenient date window that rests just above the 6:00 hour. Strap on the Augustus today and feel as powerful as Caesar himself!Stuhrling Original Men's Tournee Carbon Fiber Quartz Multifunction Leather Strap WatchSome people out there value function just as much as they appreciate form. In many careers, this is entirely practical. A racecar driver might prefer a suit that looks cool, but the most important aspects will be how it helps him perform in the field.The Tournee from Stuhrling Original is an incredible hybrid of looks and usability. It has a circular black surgical grade stainless steel case. Upon the case rests a unidirectional rotating bezel made from black carbon fiber.Encircling the outer rim of the dial are luminous index markers at all appropriate hour positions. This watch has a convenient seconds sub-dial next to 2:00, a date window stretching from 3:00 to 5:00, a day of the week sub-dial above 6:00, and a window that showcases the power reserve right by 10:00.This handsome watch fits with straps right onto your wrist with a sleek, black leather strap. It secures using a push button deployant clasp and will be sure to showcase your strongest attributes.Stuhrling Original Men's Montres de Poche Marseille Mechanical Pocket Watch with ChainThere was a time when the pocket watch was the most common timepiece for classy businessmen to carry with them. Over time and through the influence of the military, the wristwatch slowly overtook it. But if today your sense of fashion coordinates more with an old-time style and sensibility, then a classic pocket watch might be just the thing to complete your wardrobe.The Montres de Poche Marseille from Stuhrling Original is a dynamic combination of the old and the new. You can purchase it with either a circular gold-tone or silver-tone case depending on your preferences. Roman numerals denote every hour, and this watch comes equipped with a 14-inch chain that complements the design.As with most pocket watches, the Montres de Poche Marseille runs on mechanical movement. This means that you have to wind it yourself to make sure it keeps ticking away. Of course, what better way to show off your stylish timepiece than to pop it out in public and wind it on up?Stuhrling Original Women's Audrey Love Story Edition Automatic Leather Strap Watch Gift SetThe designers at Stuhrling Original pride themselves on crafting timepieces that help to redefine the modern male. Of course, they are also looking out for today's empowered woman as well.The Audrey Love Story is a great set of watches that is perfect for a wide variety of occasions. It comes equipped with five different straps so that you can easily mix and match them with any outfit. The set comes with purple, pink, red, white and black leather straps to interchange. And with case options of rose-tone, gold-tone and silver-tone, there are more possible combinations than you will know what to do with!When crafting your own personal style, it is important to not let trends or hype influence your tastes. Pick a look you like and stick to it. No matter what path you take, Stuhrling Original has a watch that is right for you.

How Network Marketing Affiliates Can Become Super-Stars With Affiliate Network Marketing - Business - MLM

With all the buzz about internet attraction marketing, it's now wonder Network Marketers are exploring affiliate marketing as an additional way to generate income and leads for their business. Many Network Marketers aren't quite sure of the difference between affiliate marketing and Network Marketing or how they can profit from affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing vs. Network Marketing

Affiliate marketing and Network Marketing are different strategies and should be treated as such. In a nutshell, affiliate marketing is a form of "direct response marketing." You are trying to attract prospects to you for the purpose of making an affiliate sale (and hopefully a prospect). Once that prospect has joined your team, you will engage in traditional Network Marketing methods to help them succeed which in turn helps you succeed. Network Marketing is more about cultivating relationships with your downline and training them to build their business'; it deals more with one-on-one contact.

Where Should You Spend Your Time to Garner the Best Results?

My recommendation is that you spend the majority of your time using affiliate marketing to make sales and attract leads. Spend your time setting up "automatic systems" to help you prospect, recruit, and convert website visitors into sales and leads. I would make traffic generation and copywriting a lifelong study. You first need to get traffic to your website; then you need to convert that traffic into sales/and or leads. Therefore both traffic generation and copywriting skills are needed.

Another good thing about focusing on making affiliate sales is you can generate affiliate sales and very targeted leads at the same time. People who buy network marketing affiliate programs are obviously interested in Network Marketing and may even be in the process of switching teams or companies.

How To Become A Super-Star Affiliate For Network Marketing

One thing I've noticed about a lot of top-performing Network Marketing affiliates is they all offer additional bonuses for purchasing an product from their affiliate link.

For example: Many Network Marketers offer XXXX number of FREE coaching when you buy a product from them. This is very enticing for people interested in the product. How many times have you bought a product, started to take action with it, and gotten stuck? Wouldn't if be nice if someone could coach you or walk you through setting everything up the right way?

In addition to offering your own bonus' (on top of what is already being offered as a product bonus) you'll want to write your own promotional emails and/or articles. Give people insight to a product that they won't get just from reading a sales page. Offer an unbiased review of some sort, help them solve a problem, or just simply write what you think the prospect needs to know about the product before buying. These are practices that super-star affiliate marketers are using on a regular basis to help them boost their sales.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Entertainment News entertains all age people - Entertainment - Music

People always wish to debate the quality of films with your loved ones or family. Indian people have a habit of watching minimum two movies in a month and some people watch more than that. Entertainment news especially movies are always a hot subject for great fun and entertainment. People start to discuss on the movies mostly at family dinners, or in coffee shops. Many people have the habit of sharing movie reviews about the latest movie they watch in all forms of comments in social networking sites. People write on articles about the movies in the blogs. Latest news delivers you the details of all latest movies that seem to be released.

As the discussion about movies are increasing, movie review websites is achieving great popularity. Everyone likes to login to the websites to give their view on the cinema they have watched. The review available is not only about the latest movies but also about the movies which were screened thirty years ago. When you read and share the movie review to your loved ones or friends, you will start gaining the knowledge about the film and its background.

Entertainment news especially the Movie reviews helps us to save money and time. Before people use to stand in the ticket counter line and pay their hard earned money to watch movies and come out disappointed with the quality of the picture. But today you can avoid this kind of situation by watching the film reviews. Entertainment and IT industries are growing tremendously. According to the latest news, this sector will start on to grow more widely by impressing the people.

There are large number of online websites that provide the Entertainment News and movie reviews which are the trustworthy information. These sites are also providing you an opportunity for taking part in debate about your favorite cinema or with other film viewer. You can also read latest news on movies which is related to the current movies that you desired to know about. You can get film news about your favorite celebrities and their shooting schedules and also their upcoming release.

Online internet news helps you out to read the entertainment news such as movie review, lifestyle news, news about the celebrities and also economical news like IT and market news. Latest news states that people today see the movie review on weekly basis probably on Thursdays and then decide whether to watch movie or not.

Truyen Sex

Entertainment News entertains all age people - Entertainment - Music

People always wish to debate the quality of films with your loved ones or family. Indian people have a habit of watching minimum two movies in a month and some people watch more than that. Entertainment news especially movies are always a hot subject for great fun and entertainment. People start to discuss on the movies mostly at family dinners, or in coffee shops. Many people have the habit of sharing movie reviews about the latest movie they watch in all forms of comments in social networking sites. People write on articles about the movies in the blogs. Latest news delivers you the details of all latest movies that seem to be released.

As the discussion about movies are increasing, movie review websites is achieving great popularity. Everyone likes to login to the websites to give their view on the cinema they have watched. The review available is not only about the latest movies but also about the movies which were screened thirty years ago. When you read and share the movie review to your loved ones or friends, you will start gaining the knowledge about the film and its background.

Entertainment news especially the Movie reviews helps us to save money and time. Before people use to stand in the ticket counter line and pay their hard earned money to watch movies and come out disappointed with the quality of the picture. But today you can avoid this kind of situation by watching the film reviews. Entertainment and IT industries are growing tremendously. According to the latest news, this sector will start on to grow more widely by impressing the people.

There are large number of online websites that provide the Entertainment News and movie reviews which are the trustworthy information. These sites are also providing you an opportunity for taking part in debate about your favorite cinema or with other film viewer. You can also read latest news on movies which is related to the current movies that you desired to know about. You can get film news about your favorite celebrities and their shooting schedules and also their upcoming release.

Online internet news helps you out to read the entertainment news such as movie review, lifestyle news, news about the celebrities and also economical news like IT and market news. Latest news states that people today see the movie review on weekly basis probably on Thursdays and then decide whether to watch movie or not.

Entertainment News entertains all age people - Entertainment - Music

People always wish to debate the quality of films with your loved ones or family. Indian people have a habit of watching minimum two movies in a month and some people watch more than that. Entertainment news especially movies are always a hot subject for great fun and entertainment. People start to discuss on the movies mostly at family dinners, or in coffee shops. Many people have the habit of sharing movie reviews about the latest movie they watch in all forms of comments in social networking sites. People write on articles about the movies in the blogs. Latest news delivers you the details of all latest movies that seem to be released.

As the discussion about movies are increasing, movie review websites is achieving great popularity. Everyone likes to login to the websites to give their view on the cinema they have watched. The review available is not only about the latest movies but also about the movies which were screened thirty years ago. When you read and share the movie review to your loved ones or friends, you will start gaining the knowledge about the film and its background.

Entertainment news especially the Movie reviews helps us to save money and time. Before people use to stand in the ticket counter line and pay their hard earned money to watch movies and come out disappointed with the quality of the picture. But today you can avoid this kind of situation by watching the film reviews. Entertainment and IT industries are growing tremendously. According to the latest news, this sector will start on to grow more widely by impressing the people.

There are large number of online websites that provide the Entertainment News and movie reviews which are the trustworthy information. These sites are also providing you an opportunity for taking part in debate about your favorite cinema or with other film viewer. You can also read latest news on movies which is related to the current movies that you desired to know about. You can get film news about your favorite celebrities and their shooting schedules and also their upcoming release.

Online internet news helps you out to read the entertainment news such as movie review, lifestyle news, news about the celebrities and also economical news like IT and market news. Latest news states that people today see the movie review on weekly basis probably on Thursdays and then decide whether to watch movie or not.

Truyen Sex

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Entertainment News entertains all age people - Entertainment - Music

People always wish to debate the quality of films with your loved ones or family. Indian people have a habit of watching minimum two movies in a month and some people watch more than that. Entertainment news especially movies are always a hot subject for great fun and entertainment. People start to discuss on the movies mostly at family dinners, or in coffee shops. Many people have the habit of sharing movie reviews about the latest movie they watch in all forms of comments in social networking sites. People write on articles about the movies in the blogs. Latest news delivers you the details of all latest movies that seem to be released.

As the discussion about movies are increasing, movie review websites is achieving great popularity. Everyone likes to login to the websites to give their view on the cinema they have watched. The review available is not only about the latest movies but also about the movies which were screened thirty years ago. When you read and share the movie review to your loved ones or friends, you will start gaining the knowledge about the film and its background.

Entertainment news especially the Movie reviews helps us to save money and time. Before people use to stand in the ticket counter line and pay their hard earned money to watch movies and come out disappointed with the quality of the picture. But today you can avoid this kind of situation by watching the film reviews. Entertainment and IT industries are growing tremendously. According to the latest news, this sector will start on to grow more widely by impressing the people.

There are large number of online websites that provide the Entertainment News and movie reviews which are the trustworthy information. These sites are also providing you an opportunity for taking part in debate about your favorite cinema or with other film viewer. You can also read latest news on movies which is related to the current movies that you desired to know about. You can get film news about your favorite celebrities and their shooting schedules and also their upcoming release.

Online internet news helps you out to read the entertainment news such as movie review, lifestyle news, news about the celebrities and also economical news like IT and market news. Latest news states that people today see the movie review on weekly basis probably on Thursdays and then decide whether to watch movie or not.

Entertainment News entertains all age people - Entertainment - Music

People always wish to debate the quality of films with your loved ones or family. Indian people have a habit of watching minimum two movies in a month and some people watch more than that. Entertainment news especially movies are always a hot subject for great fun and entertainment. People start to discuss on the movies mostly at family dinners, or in coffee shops. Many people have the habit of sharing movie reviews about the latest movie they watch in all forms of comments in social networking sites. People write on articles about the movies in the blogs. Latest news delivers you the details of all latest movies that seem to be released.

As the discussion about movies are increasing, movie review websites is achieving great popularity. Everyone likes to login to the websites to give their view on the cinema they have watched. The review available is not only about the latest movies but also about the movies which were screened thirty years ago. When you read and share the movie review to your loved ones or friends, you will start gaining the knowledge about the film and its background.

Entertainment news especially the Movie reviews helps us to save money and time. Before people use to stand in the ticket counter line and pay their hard earned money to watch movies and come out disappointed with the quality of the picture. But today you can avoid this kind of situation by watching the film reviews. Entertainment and IT industries are growing tremendously. According to the latest news, this sector will start on to grow more widely by impressing the people.

There are large number of online websites that provide the Entertainment News and movie reviews which are the trustworthy information. These sites are also providing you an opportunity for taking part in debate about your favorite cinema or with other film viewer. You can also read latest news on movies which is related to the current movies that you desired to know about. You can get film news about your favorite celebrities and their shooting schedules and also their upcoming release.

Online internet news helps you out to read the entertainment news such as movie review, lifestyle news, news about the celebrities and also economical news like IT and market news. Latest news states that people today see the movie review on weekly basis probably on Thursdays and then decide whether to watch movie or not.

Monday 1 October 2012

Entertainment News entertains all age people - Entertainment - Music

People always wish to debate the quality of films with your loved ones or family. Indian people have a habit of watching minimum two movies in a month and some people watch more than that. Entertainment news especially movies are always a hot subject for great fun and entertainment. People start to discuss on the movies mostly at family dinners, or in coffee shops. Many people have the habit of sharing movie reviews about the latest movie they watch in all forms of comments in social networking sites. People write on articles about the movies in the blogs. Latest news delivers you the details of all latest movies that seem to be released.

As the discussion about movies are increasing, movie review websites is achieving great popularity. Everyone likes to login to the websites to give their view on the cinema they have watched. The review available is not only about the latest movies but also about the movies which were screened thirty years ago. When you read and share the movie review to your loved ones or friends, you will start gaining the knowledge about the film and its background.

Entertainment news especially the Movie reviews helps us to save money and time. Before people use to stand in the ticket counter line and pay their hard earned money to watch movies and come out disappointed with the quality of the picture. But today you can avoid this kind of situation by watching the film reviews. Entertainment and IT industries are growing tremendously. According to the latest news, this sector will start on to grow more widely by impressing the people.

There are large number of online websites that provide the Entertainment News and movie reviews which are the trustworthy information. These sites are also providing you an opportunity for taking part in debate about your favorite cinema or with other film viewer. You can also read latest news on movies which is related to the current movies that you desired to know about. You can get film news about your favorite celebrities and their shooting schedules and also their upcoming release.

Online internet news helps you out to read the entertainment news such as movie review, lifestyle news, news about the celebrities and also economical news like IT and market news. Latest news states that people today see the movie review on weekly basis probably on Thursdays and then decide whether to watch movie or not.

'Vũ sư' quay clip sex tống tiền 'học trò' như thế nào?

Với chiêu học "một thầy một trò", "vũ sư" đã gạ tình nhiều "học viên". Trong lúc "hành sự", đối tượng này bí mật ghi hình để ép nạn nhân cung phụng tiền và phục vụ tình dục khi hắn cần...


Đối tượng Hoàng Tiến Hợi tại CQĐT
Đối tượng Hoàng Tiến Hợi tại CQĐT.


Ngày 27-9, Công an quận Lê Chân, Hải Phòng đã bắt giữ Hoàng Tiến Hợi (53 tuổi, quê quán xã Hoàng Động, huyện Thủy Nguyên; thường trú tại số 30/414 đường Tô Hiệu, quận Lê Chân, Hải Phòng) về hành vi tàng trữ văn hóa phẩm đồi trụy.

Theo cơ quan điều tra, "vũ sư" Hợi đã mở lớp dạy khiêu vũ, qua đó tuyển lựa những chị em độ tuổi từ 30 đến 40. Hắn đã lấy số điện thoại nhà riêng có địa chỉ cư trú, tìm hiểu tình hình gia cảnh của các "học sinh" này. Đối tượng mà "vũ sư" này lựa chọn hầu hết là những người có nhan sắc, tiền tài.

Trong quá trình dạy, Hợi dùng những lời đường mật để lấy lòng "học viên" và mời họ đến tận nhà để phụ đạo "nâng cao" theo cơ chế... "một thầy. Tại nhà riêng của mình, "vũ sư" dùng thuốc kích thích, băng hình khiêu dâm và những lời tán tỉnh đường mật để sinh hoạt tình dục với những người này.

Tuy nhiên, trong lúc "hành sự", Hợi đã bí mật ghi hình, sao ra nhiều VCD và khống chế buộc các "học viên" này phải cung cấp tiền của và phục vụ tình dục khi hắn cần nếu không Hợi sẽ dùng đĩa phim sex gửi cho chồng con họ hoặc tung lên mạng.

Ngay trong thời điểm thi hành lệnh bắt giữ Hợi, tại nhà hắn còn một học viên đang được Hợi "dìu dắt". Tại đây, lực lượng Công an còn thu được nhiều băng đĩa hình đồi trụy, đĩa hình sinh hoạt tình dục với học viên, dụng cụ và thuốc "đặc biệt" phục vụ cho hành lạc của kẻ dâm ô.

Căn cứ tài liệu thu thập được, cơ quan CSĐT - Công an quận Lê Chân, Hải Phòng hiện đã tạm giữ hình sự đối với Hoàng Tiến Hợi về hành vi tàng trữ văn hóa phẩm đồi trụy, đồng thời tiếp tục mở rộng điều tra, bắt giữ các đối tượng khác liên quan.

The condition With Entertainment News Today - Business

Have you noticed the newest news today? Regarding what amount of the important news and issues facing contemporary society are pushed a growing number of on top of the "back burner?" This is due to more and more the media is centered on the entertainment industries, rather than "real news." That's both the blessing and the curse for entertainment news today, it might be best for the entertainment industry and damaging to the REAL news industry.

What the significant problem with emphasizing just entertainment-related "news" is, is that often our society is just not keeping itself informed with regards to the major issues and current events in today's world when they're constantly bombarded with nothing but entertainment industry "news." The complacency that they have Permitted this to occur would be the saddest this specific, for the reason that person with average skills don't cares about major issues or world events.

And what's worse is always that what television, magazines and internet sources are calling entertainment news today isn't even "real" news, however similar to a constantly running gossip column. If your highlight of a news piece is the thing that someone bought at a convenience store, what color their head of hair is today, or if they and their lover is problems- that was not news, it's merely gossip.

As well as, whenever celebrities are constantly followed around by money-hungry gossip magazine photographers or constantly speculated upon by numerous different persons on tv, their privacy and basic human rights are trampled on. All as a so-called "news."

The person does not get their face splashed on media anytime they're buying a gallon of milk, a box of condoms or obtain a speeding ticket- will it be directly to force that upon celebrities even if they're famous and refer to it "news?" Which is the biggest part of the challenge with entertainment news today, things which aren't really newsworthy will be reported and discussed as if they were.

What one needs to do, if it is sick and tired with the possible lack of newsworthy reporting in the media is always to complain on the media companies, newspapers and magazines with regards to the not enough quality news that is being released because of the media companies. If enough people make the effort making a stand and demand better news and reporting, then your media determines to give people what they desire.

If people do not demand change, and turn into complacent with regards to the condition of the the news and reporting processes, then entertainment news today will stay because it is, along with the media continue to directory non-newsworthy items including who ate what in the morning, the amount of someone's ridiculously large diamond ring cost, and who got a speeding ticket the night before.