Thursday 4 October 2012

How Network Marketing Affiliates Can Become Super-Stars With Affiliate Network Marketing - Business - MLM

With all the buzz about internet attraction marketing, it's now wonder Network Marketers are exploring affiliate marketing as an additional way to generate income and leads for their business. Many Network Marketers aren't quite sure of the difference between affiliate marketing and Network Marketing or how they can profit from affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing vs. Network Marketing

Affiliate marketing and Network Marketing are different strategies and should be treated as such. In a nutshell, affiliate marketing is a form of "direct response marketing." You are trying to attract prospects to you for the purpose of making an affiliate sale (and hopefully a prospect). Once that prospect has joined your team, you will engage in traditional Network Marketing methods to help them succeed which in turn helps you succeed. Network Marketing is more about cultivating relationships with your downline and training them to build their business'; it deals more with one-on-one contact.

Where Should You Spend Your Time to Garner the Best Results?

My recommendation is that you spend the majority of your time using affiliate marketing to make sales and attract leads. Spend your time setting up "automatic systems" to help you prospect, recruit, and convert website visitors into sales and leads. I would make traffic generation and copywriting a lifelong study. You first need to get traffic to your website; then you need to convert that traffic into sales/and or leads. Therefore both traffic generation and copywriting skills are needed.

Another good thing about focusing on making affiliate sales is you can generate affiliate sales and very targeted leads at the same time. People who buy network marketing affiliate programs are obviously interested in Network Marketing and may even be in the process of switching teams or companies.

How To Become A Super-Star Affiliate For Network Marketing

One thing I've noticed about a lot of top-performing Network Marketing affiliates is they all offer additional bonuses for purchasing an product from their affiliate link.

For example: Many Network Marketers offer XXXX number of FREE coaching when you buy a product from them. This is very enticing for people interested in the product. How many times have you bought a product, started to take action with it, and gotten stuck? Wouldn't if be nice if someone could coach you or walk you through setting everything up the right way?

In addition to offering your own bonus' (on top of what is already being offered as a product bonus) you'll want to write your own promotional emails and/or articles. Give people insight to a product that they won't get just from reading a sales page. Offer an unbiased review of some sort, help them solve a problem, or just simply write what you think the prospect needs to know about the product before buying. These are practices that super-star affiliate marketers are using on a regular basis to help them boost their sales.

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