Thursday 30 August 2012

Celebrity Gossip: A Marketing Tool - Entertainment - Television

Celebrity gossip is no more something that you keep folded in your bag to read when you are alone. Celeb gossip is slowly but steadily throwing off the grab of secrecy to emerge as a potent and important marketing tool. Celebrities are fast waking up to realize that entertainment news portals are popular and they can be used to marketing and promotion. Suddenly the dreaded paparazzi started receiving exact locations of the celebrities.

This ushered a new age in which celebrities used celebrity gossip sites to promote their movies, music albums and sometimes products which they are endorsing. When a movie is about to release, you find all these date alerts on celeb gossip sites about the lead pair of the movie dating in real life as well. This sparks off curiosity in the leading stars of the film. That definitely translates into sales for the movie. Entertainment sites are provided with other trivia related to the film. There are press junkets organized to showcase the film to the press.

Celebrity gossip magazines and portals are used to cook up controversy surrounding a movie as well. Before the release of a movie, celeb gossip columns go abuzz with reports about the intimate scenes that the movie contains. It could be between actors who don't see eye to eye. It could be between performers who are rumored to be dating, but there's no official word for it. Entertainment sites love it when an actor is romancing an ex onscreen. It's taken for granted that if a director is able to bring Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston for a movie together, the very casting will guarantee a huge opening for the movie. The publicists of the movie have to just feed the rumor mills with fodder once in a while!

Celebrity gossip magazines work great for other promotion and advertising purposes as well. An example here would be the Carl Jr. burger ad that had Kim Kardashian. The celeb gossip industry went dizzy writing about the ad and how Kim was projecting the act of eating a burger look like making love! Thanks to the enthusiasm of the entertainment news portals, the ad got more visibility than it could have got without it. It became a regular feature on You Tube. The star-struck viewers didn't care about the fact that if Kim was actually having those burgers, she could never maintain the body that they are dying for!

Celebrity gossip portals receive updates from the stars about their upcoming activities through Twitter, Facebook or MySpace. They have their profile pages on these social networking sites, more to connect with celeb gossip sites than their fans. They post pictures of their recent dates, sometimes even anonymously or with the help of fake profiles, making them come off as leaked snaps. Entertainment news sections have proved their importance by demanding this importance from the celebrities by the strength of their popularity. It does make a difference to the celebrities when they are talked and written about and that is exactly what they want!

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