Saturday 25 August 2012

Hot Air Ballooning - Dubai - Travel

The article speaks about Dubai's adventure tours for the tourists who want to visit Dubai only to enjoy adventurous activities.

Dubai is a shopping paradise, but everybody knows that. Dubai city hotels are known for their luxury, and the city boasts the only seven-star hotel on the planet, but that is old news. What people don't know is that Dubai is not all shopping and luxury. It is a city of adventure also. From desert village, to souk, to archaeological dig, there is more to Dubai than commerce. Dubai has a secret, and it is best discovered on a magic carpet ride. Discerning travelers have begun to arrange their very own aerial odysseys. They have taken to the skies above Dubai in hot air balloons.

Dubai city offers innumerable delights for discriminating travelers. Hotels in Dubai city are world renown. Warm, sandy beaches flow from undulating desert dunes. Rocky mountaintops provide a stunning backdrop to this jewel of the United Arab Emirates. Hot air balloons offer unprecedented views of Dubai's beauty. Vacationers will be recharged by the stillness as they soar high above this ancient landscape. They will watch as the sun rises, warming the world and their peaceful upturned faces. It is something few will ever forget.

Vacationers visit Dubai expecting the exotic. They expect sophistication and extravagance, but they may not anticipate adventure. Dubai is a high-end shopping destination extraordinaire, its popularity eclipsed only by the United States, but its popularity does not end there. Visitors are tapping into the wealth that awaits them outside the city's streets. They are soaring hundreds of feet above the sparkling streets that their comrades-in-commerce walk, secure in the knowledge that they are experiencing something far more profound than retail therapy.

Early morning is the ideal time for safe balloon rides. Tour operators typically launch in the wee hours, early enough to ensure their passengers will bear witness to a glowing sunrise. The hot air balloons are aloft for approximately one hour, sufficient time to absorb the natural beauty of Dubai city where it nestles into the Arabian Peninsula. Passengers will delight in the landscape seen from the dramatic heights of a hot air balloon in flight.

Travelers who are planning their flights to Dubai have something special in store for them. More than a vibrant shopping destination, the city is a magical blend of old and new. A place where modern meets ancient and luxury mingles with adventure. Dubai city holidays are taking on a whole new dimension, and a peaceful hot air balloon ride embodies this trend of adventure. Get your bags packed and quickly head towards Dubai now.

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