Thursday 2 August 2012

Book Q&A

A Great and Terrible Beauty? Libba Bray?
what are key objects from A Great and Terrible Beauty? such as Mary Dowd's Journal.Any ideas are welcome!!Thanks. Hmmm, this is sturdy.1. The journal2. The necklace3. The piece of cloth that is found of Gemmas mothers.Um, I dont know if I helped anything at adjectives. I have met them at close of dayComing with vivid faceFrom...

A great book to read? for an pre teen?
i need a book that is appropriate for and 12 yr old and that is to say about the civil war or the 1930s ( segregation) thank you The Velvet Roomby: Zilpha Keatley-SnyderIt takes place contained by 1937. It doesn't cover segregation of blacks and whites.

A Great Gatsby quiz? For those who own the book close by...?
So here's my question. How do you interpret the last four paragraphs of chapter six? It's a pathway about Gatsby's past with Daisy. I've read those paragraph several times now but I still have some trouble understanding them. So, any facilitate? try going on book rags...i havent got to thatbit of...

My project is due tonight online. All i have left to do it figure out the subject of this book. I can't figure it out! This book was so confusing that i cant possibly find the real possible subject matter. PLEASE HELPPPP I think the theme, or maybe purely part of the theme, is loss. Dave Eggers...

A Hemophobic Vampire?
My friend wants to write a children's book about a Hemophobic Vampire and she asked me if it's been do back, and I don't know lol.Has anyone read a book about a Hemophobic Vamp? As much as I hate the movie, the Twilight series be great (books). The protagonist was afraid of blood *tries not to spoil things* I...

A hero from Contemporary Literature?
(plz help me I'm doing it for a project!)hero has to be - not that popular. By one definition, contemporary literature is ny literature written by someone who is still alive. Holden Caulfield would fill the bill. So would Tim O'Brien from The Things They Carried. The classic, generic answer is Holden Caufield from Catcher contained by...

A honest book to read ?
i want to buy a book but i don't which one so i was hoping you could give me some ideas of hugely good books, not to bothered about genre !thank you xx Young Adult:Vampire:The Mortal Instruments SeriesBlue Bloods SeriesThe House of Night SeriesNight World SeriesVampire DiariesSookie Stockhouse booksVampire AcademyVampire KissesHistorical Fiction:A Northern LightFever 1793Roll of Thunder...

A Idea For Writing a book.?
For my English class I have to write a 200 page book over the course of the class.Anyways, I'm not sure what to write it on as in topic wise. I'd similar to to write it on a real experience but i don't have enough great experiences for me to write give or take a few it,...

A instructor requests that a child use a small stepladder to make a book on shelf.?
she is helping the child develop?A. primitive reflexesB. locomotor reflexesC. movement qualitiesD. spatial awareness E. Educational buzzwords

A interrogate in the region of have multiple OCs?
Do you think it's okay to have multiple OCs for multiple fandoms? Like having an OC for one fandom, and a totally different OC for another? I'm really humane of struggling with this... You're talking fanfiction, right? Though really, as long as they're different fandoms, it's okay. That's the fun thing give or take...

A interrogate more or less Heart of Darkness, abet me, i'm an italian girl (its easy), gratefulness contained by finance!?
Could you answer this question about heart of darkness please? What did the Romans find when they first arrived in England and how did they be aware of? Please don't use a too much complicated language, because, as i said, i am italian...
A interview on Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne?
At the end of the story when Hester takes off the scarlet notification, Pearl went absolutely NUTS. Can you explain her reaction? Why did she travel bananas and demands her mother puts it back on? it's been like 8 years since I've read that book (I detested it, btw) you could try...

A lesbian related story plot...?
Any homophobes.. please don't read further. I'm not interested in your opinions.I want to write a story about two young at heart woman.. both in University, both straight.. but as they meet and become friends and closer, accidentally end up hooking up. One woman falls surrounded by love with the other, while the other is repulsed by what...

A Lion Among Men, Volume 3 of the Wicked Years?
Do I have to read Wicked and Son of a Witch to understand A Lion Among Men? I havent read it but i really want to! But i havent read Son of A Witch either, but my guess is that it doesnt business because the son of the witch has nothing to do...

A List Of Book Recommendations?
please give me some book recommendations. i've read the twilight series, and both the hunger games books. I also have a book suggestion for anyone reading this. Impossible by Nancy Werlin city of glass city of ashes series simular to twilightcity of bonesthe great and terrible charm simular to...

A little aid next to my experience story?
So this big dog monster with two heads wants to kill/eat my biggest characters really bad. I want the crew to not fight it, but plan a creative trap for it. What can work involving a guy with super speed, a chitchat bunny rabbit, a big turtle, a short boy, a girl, and a marksman?They're...

A little feedback, anyone?
Hey guys,Just looking for a little feedback.It's not long and it's only a prologue. Very, very short - I promise you. awesome! i actually want to read it now! :) It sounds really great. The prologue is well written, and the synopsis is descriptive satisfactory to leave the person with some facts but repressed ample that people get...

A little interview in the order of Heart of Darkness, oblige me, i'm an italian girl (its easy), thankfulness within finance!?
Could you answer this question about heart of darkness please? What did the Romans find when they first arrived in England and how did they surface?Please don't use a too much complicated language, because, as i said, i am italian :)so, please...

A little trouble beside Macbeth...please lend a hand...10 points?
In the end of the play..Malcolm says, Henceforth be earlsWhat do you think that mechanism..?Please help me out I have no clue sorry boo i dont slightly remember but i think it means something along the lines of .now turn and spread the news... Malcolm makes them Earls. From this time on, all...

A location for a fresh?
I'm looking for a town that my novel can take place in, i be looking for something along the lines of a small town, but not like.really small. I wanted it to have a cold winter, and honestly warm summer possibly with some farm manor, i was thinking about Newport, Roade Island, but i looked it up and...

A love story (book) involving a vision?
Does anybody know any books about which the main character.. Human.. falls within love with a ghost... I cannot find any where the 2nd personality is a ghost Your help is appreciated... Thank you . The Ghost in Love by Jonathan Carroll and A Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger (she wrote The Time...

A love story between a slave and her master surrounded by the U.S?
Are there books on this subject? Can someone provide me with titles please? Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An American Controversy by Annette Gordon-ReedMandingo by Kyle Onstott is not a love story. series revolving around the plantation, slaves and owners at Falconhurst and are full of sex and sin, horror,...

A Midsummer Night's Dream Essay...?
The essay I have to right is an open essay and it asks you to write an essay explaining whether or not the ending of A Midsummer Night's Dream is appropriate, or indecorous for the story. Can anyone think of three reasons why or why not the ending is appropriate? Absolutely. The play inwardly a play. One of...

A moral MODERN masculine vampire label...?
I need a vampire name for a novel I'm writing the girls entitle is Brooke Taylor and right now the vampire's name is Demetri Troy But I'd like to transformation his name to something else I've already got his new finishing name Sinclair but I don't know what his first name should be and please keep it...

A moral place to publish work?
A friend of mine writes stories and poems but she can't find a publisher that will not possibly change her work before publishing, and that will let her hang on to the rights to her work. Does anybody have any suggestions? Gianna is right. Self-publishing gives you power to control your book and hang on to rights...

A peice of the potenial story see prev post?
discard last word and 2 letters email me 4 full to date prolouge I agree that this is amazing. Not many society can write in this view. So that is talent. And it's really interesting, too. Good employment. wow that was really good. you really have some talent. lol I want to hear what...

A perfect title for my sci-fi story?
I have need a title for my sci-fi story I originally was gonna christen it galaxy wars, but I then heard a video team game was called that so I dropped it, then I said Hey I could craft a book about the game galaxy wars because the winter sport really has no plot to it!...

A poem. Title: Tiresias Before the Secon Strike?
Title: Tiresias Before the Second StrikeOnce,Under the black shadow of a red elm,My blue HeartThen not yet a seer but neither blindBeheld two Serpents mating.And after striking them with his staff, but not struck by them,She come back to me, stricken.And still does She seek the nefarious Snakes,And still do I cry for a second...

A polite Mark Twain Award or Newberry Award prizewinning book?
I have to do a book report on either a Mark Twain Award book, or a Newberry award book. I'm really into scary, and depressing books. I know that sounds unusual but its true. My favorite award winner is Buttermilk Hill. But a girl in my class signed up for it before me...

A press for those who own completed The Van Alen Legacy (SPOILERS!)?
I'm just asking for personal thoughts on the book. I know, hate me, but I cried when Kingsley died. I actually thought he brought out a nicer side of Mimi. I be actually more interested in their relationship than Jack/Oliver and Schuyler's. I didn't like how Allegra woke so suddenly, i...

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